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1864 m. rugpj??io viduryje Šveicarijos vyriausyb? pakviet? daugumos Europos šali?, taip pat JAV, Brazilijos ir Meksikos atstovus ? unikali? diplomatin? konferencij?. Šešiolika šali? ? Ženev? atsiunt? savo delegatus, kurie 1864 m. rugpj??io 22 d. vykusioje konferencijoje patvirtino ir pri?m? pirm?j? Ženevos konvencij? .

Taip prasid?jo beveik 100 met? truk?s svarbus procesas, kurio metu buvo priimtos keturios tarptautin?s sutartys ir trys papildomi protokolai, nustatantys šiuolaikinius tarptautinius teisinius karo veiksm? vykdymo standartus. Kitaip tariant, jos tapo naujomis „karo taisykl?mis“, kuri? v?liau beveik 200 šali? ?sipareigojo nepažeisti (Soviet? s?junga Ženevos konvencijas ratifikavo 1954 m., o Lietuva prie Ženevos konvencij? d?l karo auk? apsaugos ir papildom? protokol? prisijung? 1993-07-07, ratifikavo 2000-05-02, prie paskutinio papildomo protokolo prisijung? 2006-12-06, ratifikavo 2007-09-20).

Be Ženevos konvencij?, pasaulio bendruomen? taip pat pri?m? nemažai kit? tarptautini? teisini? sutar?i? (Romos statutas, Hagos konvencijos ir deklaracijos ir kt.), kuriose kategoriškai draudžiama kariaujan?ioms šalims žudyti civilius gyventojus, kankinti belaisvius, naudoti mirtinus ginklus apgyvendintose teritorijose ir kt.

Nepaisant to, kad Rusija priklauso valstyb?ms, dalyvaujan?ioms Ženevos konvencijose ir daugumoje kit? tarptautini? sutar?i?, nuo pat pirm?j? plataus masto karo Ukrainoje dien? Rusijos Federacijos ginkluotosios paj?gos ir jos remiami teroristiniai dariniai sistemingai ir ciniškiausiai ?m? pažeidin?ti visas tarptautin?s humanitarin?s teis?s normas.

Pra?jus pusantro m?nesio po Rusijos invazijos ? Ukrain?, Europos saugumo ir bendradarbiavimo organizacija (ESBO) pažym?jo, kad Rusijos kariuomen?s veiksmai sudaro ištis? sistem?, kuri aiškiai kvalifikuojama kaip nusikaltimai žmoniškumui. O jau 2022 m. geguž?s pabaigoje buvo paskelbta nepriklausoma genocido srities tyr?j? parengta ataskaita, kurioje teigiama, kad yra pakankamai ?rodym?, jog Rusija valstybiniu lygmeniu organizuotai kursto genocid? ir imasi veiksm?, kuriais siekiama sunaikinti ukrainie?i? taut?.

Masin?s žudyn?s Bu?oje, aviacijos sm?giai Mariupolio gimdymo namuose ir dramos teatre, Kramatorsko geležinkelio stoties apšaudymas raketomis, masin?s žudyn?s Trostjankoje, Borodiankoje, Irpene ir daugelyje kit? Ukrainos miest? ir kaim?, t?kstan?iai užfiksuot? civili? gyventoj?, ?skaitant jaunesnius nei penkeri? met? vaikus, kankinimo ir prievartavimo atvej?, karo belaisvi? egzekucijos be teismo ir tyrimo, visiškas pl?šikavimas. Š? Rusijos kariuomen?s nusikaltim? s?raš? galima vardyti labai ilgai. Nuo 2023 05 06 Ukrainos prokurat?ra ir tarptautin?s žmogaus teisi? organizacijos užregistravo 91419 Rusijos Federacijos ginkluot?j? paj?g? ?vykdyt? karo nusikaltim?!

Dabar, pra?jus metams nuo visaver?io karo pradžios, atrod?, kad neb?ra joki? „raudon? linij?“, kuri? šalis agresor? dar neb?t? peržengusi. Visi taip priprato prie to, kad Rusija yra ant blogio ribos, o jos kariai Ukrainoje elgiasi kaip tikri banditai ir teroristai, kad reguliar?s Kijevo ar Charkovo gyvenam?j? rajon? apšaudymai tapo neatsiejama kasdieni? naujien? reportaž? dalimi. Ta?iau birželio 6 d. nakt? Rusija ?vykd? savotišk? precedento neturint? teroristin? akt?, kuris dar kart? privert? sudreb?ti vis? pasaul?.

Kachovskajos hidroelektrin?s sugriovimas, suk?l?s pastaraisiais dešimtme?iais ne?sivaizduojam? žmogaus sukelt? ir humanitarin? katastrof?, neabejotinai tapo vienu šiurkš?iausi? Rusijos kariški? nusikaltim? per vis? karo laikotarp?.

1949 m. rugpj??io 12 d. Ženevos konvencij? 1 papildomo protokolo d?l tarptautini? ginkluot? konflikt? auk? apsaugos 56 straipsnis:

„Pavojingos ?mon?s ir ?rengimai, b?tent užtvankos, pylimai ir atomin?s elektrin?s, neturi tapti puolimo objektu netgi tada, kai šie objektai yra kariniai, jeigu d?l puolimo gali pasireikšti pavojingos j?gos ir labai nukent?ti civiliai gyventojai. Kiti kariniai objektai, esantys šiose ?mon?se ar ?rengimuose arba greta j?, neturi tapti puolimo objektu, jeigu d?l puolimo ši? ?moni? ar ?rengini? veikloje gali pasireikšti pavojingos j?gos ir d?l to labai nukent?t? civiliai gyventojai“.

Tik per pirm?sias 24 valandas po užtvankos sugriovimo ? Dniepr? pl?stel?jo milžiniškos vandens mas?s (30 t?kst. kubini? metr? per sekund?). Buvo užtvindyta daugiau kaip 70 gyvenvie?i?, kai kurios iš j? buvo visiškai apsemtos. Po 48 valand? užlietas plotas jau siek? mažiausiai 600 km2, palyginimui, jis prilygsta toki? miest? kaip Madridas (607,00 km2) ar ?ikaga (589,60 km2) plotui. Preliminariais savanori? duomenimis, vien okupant? laikomame kairiajame Dniepro krante tarp civili? gyventoj? žuvo daugiau kaip 200 žmoni?, dar keli šimtai laikomi dingusiais be žinios. Dešimtys t?kstan?i? žmoni? iš karto tapo benamiais. Nepataisoma žala padaryta ekologijai: šimtai ton? naftos ir chemini? medžiag? pateko ? Dniepro up?, užlieta 5 t?kst. hektar? mišk?, Chersono, Nikolajevo, Zaporož?s ir Dniepropetrovsko srityse kilo visiškas žuv? maras, sunaikinta dešimtys t?kstan?i? gyv?n?, ?skaitant retas raudonosios knygos r?šis. Sugriovus užtvank?, be vandens liko 94 % dr?kinimo sistem? Chersono srityje, 74 % – Zaporož?s srityje ir 30 % – Dniepropetrovsko srityje. Remiantis Ukrainos žem?s ?kio ministerijos pareiškimu, 584 000 hektar? žem?s ?kio paskirties žem?s netrukus pavirs dykra.

Beveik iš karto po užtvankos tr?kimo šimtai Ukrainos savanori? išvyko ? Chersono srit?, kur tebevyksta plataus masto gelb?jimo operacija. Žmon?s ir gyv?nai, patek? ? baisius sp?stus, buvo evakuoti, nepaisant okupant? apšaudymo. Pasak savanori? ir liudinink?, okupantai ir toliau kryptingai apšaudo medikus ir gelb?tojus. Taip birželio 8 d. per artilerijos apšaudym? buvo sunkiai sužeisti du Valstybin?s gelb?jimo tarnybos darbuotojai, vienas policininkas, gydytojas ir savanoris iš Vokietijos. O birželio 11 d. Rusijos kariai masiškai apšaud? gelb?toj? laivus, kuriais buvo evakuojami pensininkai. D?l apšaudymo 21 žmogus buvo sunkiai sužeistas, trys žuvo. Be to, remiantis vaizdo medžiaga, kuri buvo paskelbta telegram kanale „Times of Ukraine“, Rusijos kariškiai iš savanori? reikalavo pinig? už leidim? patekti ? dešin?j? krant?, kur evakuacijos taip pat laukia dešimtys t?kstan?i? žmoni?.

Jau 2022 m. spal? buvo teigiama, kad Rusija ruošiasi susprogdinti Kachovskaja HES. Tiek prezidentas V. Zelenskis, tiek CŽV ne kart? teig?, kad, remiantis turima informacija, Rusijos kariškiai užminavo didži?j? dal? užtvankos ir kai kuriuos hidroelektrin?s blokus. Tai, kad užtvanka buvo sugriauta b?tent d?l sprogimo, patvirtina seismolog? duomenys. Vis? pirma Rumunijos matavimo stotis „BURAR“, esanti už 620 km nuo epicentro, užfiksavo aiškius seisminius signalus, pagal laik? ir viet? sutampan?ius su užtvankos sugriovimu. Šie signalai rodo, kad hidroelektrin?s vietoje ?vyko sprogimas, suk?l?s beveik 2 bal? stiprumo seisminius sm?gius. Tokios nuomon?s laikosi ir Norvegijos instituto „NORSAR“ seismologai.

Beje, birželio 6 d. ryt?, pra?jus kelioms minut?ms po sprogimo, beveik visi Rusijos karo vadai ir propagandistai ?m? aktyviai skleisti žini?, kad Kachovskaja HES užtvank? susprogdino Rusijos ginkluotosios paj?gos ir d?l to buvo sužlugdyti Ukrainos kontrpuolimo planai. Kai kurie provyriausybiniai „Telegram“ kanalai tiesiogiai raš?, kad „vadovyb? ?sak? nuplauti nacius“. Ta?iau jau po keli? valand?, matyt, Kremliui supratus tragedijos mast?, pranešimai apie Rusijos kariuomen?s dalyvavim? greitai dingo, o visa propaganda ?m? veikti sutartinai, kalt? d?l ?vykio suver?iant Kijevui.

Kod?l Rusija ?vykd? š? precedento neturint? teroristin? išpuol?? Ar tai buvo strategin? klaida, ar terorizavimo, savotiško šantažo aktas? Kariniai ekspertai šiuo klausimu laikosi nuomon?s, kad Rusijos kariuomen? kontrpuolimo išvakar?se atsid?r? labai pažeidžiamoje pad?tyje ir, pakenkdama HES, band? laim?ti laiko persidislokavimui.

„Žvalgybos duomenimis, pralauž? užtvank?, rusai ketino užtvenkti tik žemupio salas, o tai, j? nuomone, tur?jo užkirsti keli? greitam ginkluot?j? paj?g? kontrpuolimui. Š? tiksl? jie neabejotinai pasiek?, ta?iau d?l prastai ?vykdyto plano taip pat žuvo daugyb? j? pa?i? kareivi? ir karinink?, jie prarado didžiul? kiek? ginkl? ir amunicijos. Be to, potvynis nušlav? vis? pirm?j? rus? ?tvirtinim? ir tranš?j? linij?. Kariniu poži?riu jie padar? daug daugiau žalos sau, nei nor?jo padaryti Ukrainos kariuomenei“, – sako Ukrainos nacionalinio saugumo ir gynybos instituto ekspertas pulkininkas Glenas Grantas.

Šiai nuomonei pritaria ir Piet? gynybos paj?g? koordinacinio spaudos centro vadov? Natalija Gumeniuk:

„Jie buvo taip pavarg? laukti, iš kurios pus?s vyks (kontrpuolimas – red.), kad bet kokia gynybos paj?g? veikla, ?skaitant ir kontrpuolimo stiprinim?, prived? prie to, kad j? nervai tiesiog neatlaik?. Jie stengiasi padidinti vandens paviršiaus plot?, kad Ukrainos gynybos paj?gos nesiimt? forsuoti. Jie supranta, kad dabar kairiajame krante jiems faktiškai n?ra saugi? dislokacijos viet?.“

Kai kurie politikos analitikai mano, kad užtvankos sugriovimas yra dar vienas Kremliaus bandymas ?bauginti ne tiek Ukrain?, kiek j? remian?ius Vakarus. Juk apie tai, kad Kachovskaja HES užminuota, kalbama jau seniai, ta?iau Vakarai tame veikiau ?žvelg? ?prast? V. Putino j?gos demonstravim? ir emocin? šantaž?, ir nepatik?jo, kad Rusija iš tikr?j? gali susprogdinti HES. Panašiai nuo pat karo pradžios buvo diskutuojama apie tai, ar Putinas gali panaudoti branduolin? ginkl?. Ir šiuo atžvilgiu dauguma Vakar? lyderi? v?lgi linksta prie to, kad tai mažai tik?tina. Ta?iau šiandien, kai Rusija dar kart? visam pasauliui ?rod?, kad jai n?ra joki? raudon? linij?, tampa labai, labai neatsakinga teigti, kad Putinas negali panaudoti branduolinio ginklo. Užtvankos sugriovimas ir d?l to kilusi biblinio masto humanitarin? ir ekologin? katastrofa iš ties? tur?t? galutinai paneigti visas Vakar? iliuzijas, kad Rusija kaip nors sugeba kariauti s?žiningais metodais ir kad j? galima suvokti kitaip nei kaip teroristin? darin?.


Straipsnio autorius Vaan Martirosyan, 2023-06-11



Vaan Martirosyan, 11.06.2023

In mid-August 1864, the Swiss government invited representatives of most European countries, as well as the USA, Brazil and Mexico, to a unique diplomatic conference. Sixteen countries sent their delegates to Geneva, who approved and adopted the first Geneva Convention at the conference held on August 22, 1864.

This was the beginning of a major process lasting almost 100 years, during which four international treaties and three additional protocols were adopted, establishing modern international legal standards for the conduct of hostilities. In other words, these became the new „rules of war“, which almost 200 countries later undertook not to violate (the USSR ratified the Geneva Conventions in 1954).

In addition to the Geneva Conventions, the world community also adopted a number of other international legal treaties (Rome Statute, Hague Conventions and Declarations, etc.), which categorically prohibited warring parties from killing the civilian population, torturing prisoners, and using lethal weapons in populated areas. etc.

Despite the fact that Russia belongs to the participating states and the Geneva Conventions and most other international treaties, from the very first days of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the armed forces of the Russian Federation, as well as terrorist formations supported by it, systematically and most cynically began to violate all norms international humanitarian law.

A month and a half after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) noted that the actions of the Russian military constitute a whole system that clearly qualifies as crimes against humanity. And already at the end of May 2022, an independent report prepared by researchers in the field of genocide was released, which stated that there is enough evidence that Russia is organized at the state level inciting genocide and taking actions aimed at the destruction of the Ukrainian people.

Massacre in Buch, airstrikes on the Mariupol maternity hospital and drama theater, rocket attack on the Kramatorsk railway station, mass murders in Trostyanka, Borodyanka, Irpen and many other Ukrainian cities and villages, thousands of recorded cases of torture and rape of the civilian population, including children under 5 years of age, execution of prisoners of war without trial and investigation, total looting. This list of crimes of the Russian military can be enumerated for a very long time. As of 06/05/2023, the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine and international human rights organizations have registered

91,419 war crimes committed by the armed forces of the Russian Federation!

And now, a year after the start of a full-scale war, it seemed that there were no longer any „red lines“ that the aggressor country had not yet crossed. Everyone is so used to the fact that Russia is on the edge of evil and that its soldiers behave in Ukraine like real bandits and terrorists, that regular shelling of residential areas in Kyiv or Kharkiv have become an integral part of daily news reports. However, on the night of June 6, Russia committed a kind of unprecedented terrorist act, which once again made the whole world shudder.

The undermining of the Kakhovskaya HPP, which led to an unimaginable man-made and humanitarian disaster in recent decades, undoubtedly became one of the most egregious crimes committed by the Russian military during the entire period of the war.

Article 56 of Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 for the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts:

„Installations and constructions containing dangerous forces, namely: dams, dams and nuclear power plants, should not become objects of attack, even in cases where such objects are military objects, if such an attack could cause release dangerous forces and subsequent heavy casualties among the civilian population. Other military objects located in these installations or structures or near them should not become objects of attack, if such an attack could cause the release of dangerous forces in such installations or structures and subsequent heavy casualties among the civilian population.“

Only in the first 24 hours after the destruction of the dam, colossal masses of water rushed into the Dnipro (30 thousand cubic meters per second). More than 70 settlements were flooded, some of them were completely submerged. After 48 hours, the flooded area was already at least 600 km2, for comparison it is equal to the area of such cities as Madrid (607.00 km2) or Chicago (589.60 km2). According to the preliminary data of the volunteers, the number of dead among the civilian population, only on the left bank of the Dnieper held by the occupiers, amounted to more than 200 people, several hundred more are considered missing. Tens of thousands of people immediately became homeless. Irreparable damage was caused to the ecology: hundreds of tons of oil and chemicals entered the Dnipro River, 5 thousand hectares of forests were flooded, a total plague of fish occurred in the Kherson, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhya and Dnipropetrovsk regions, tens of thousands of animals were destroyed, including rare red book species. As a result of the destruction of the dam, 94% of irrigation systems in the Kherson region, 74% in the Zaporizhia region, and 30% in the Dnipropetrovsk region remained without water. According to the statement of the Ministry of Agriculture of Ukraine, 584,000 hectares of agricultural land will soon turn into a desert.

Almost immediately after the dam broke, hundreds of Ukrainian volunteers headed to the Kherson region, where a large-scale rescue operation is still ongoing. People and animals who were in a terrible trap were evacuated, despite the shelling from the occupiers. According to volunteers and eyewitnesses, the occupiers continue to fire at medics and rescuers in a targeted manner. Thus, on June 8, two employees of the State Emergency Service, one policeman, a doctor and a volunteer from Germany were seriously injured during artillery fire. And on June 11, Russian troops opened massive fire on rescue boats in which pensioners were being evacuated. As a result of the shelling, 21 people were seriously injured, three were killed. Also, according to video materials that were published on the telegram channel „Times of Ukraine“, the Russian military demanded money from volunteers for a pass to the right bank, where tens of thousands of people are also waiting for evacuation.

It was said in October 2022 that Russia was preparing to blow up the Kakhovskaya HPP. Both President Zelenskyi and the GUR have repeatedly stated that, according to available information, the Russian military mined most of the dam and some units of the hydroelectric plant. The fact that the dam was destroyed precisely as a result of the explosion is confirmed by the data of seismologists. In particular, the Romanian measuring station „BURAR“, which is located 620 km from the epicenter, recorded clear seismic signals coinciding in time and location with the destruction of the dam. These signals indicate that an explosion occurred at the site of the hydroelectric power plant, which caused seismic tremors with a magnitude of almost 2 points. The seismologists of the Norwegian institute „NORSAR“ also hold this opinion.

By the way, on the morning of June 6, a few minutes after the explosion, almost all the Russian warlords and propagandists actively began to spread the news that the Kakhovskaya HPP dam was blown up by the Russian Armed Forces, due to which Ukraine’s plans for a counteroffensive were thwarted. Some pro-government Telegram channels directly wrote that „the command ordered to wash away the Nazis.“ However, only a few hours later, apparently when the Kremlin realized the scale of the tragedy, the reports about the involvement of the Russian military quickly disappeared and all the propaganda began to work in concert blaming Kyiv for the event.

So why did Russia commit this unprecedented terrorist attack? Was it a strategic mistake or an act of intimidation, a kind of blackmail? Military experts in this matter adhere to the point of view that on the eve of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces, the Russian army found itself in a very vulnerable position, and by undermining the HPP they tried to buy time for redeployment.

„According to the intelligence, having breached the dam, the Russians intended only to flood the islands downstream of the Dnieper, which, in their opinion, should have made it impossible to quickly push through for a counterattack by the Armed Forces. They certainly achieved this objective, however, due to a poorly executed plan, they also killed scores of their own soldiers and officers and lost huge amounts of arms and ammunition. In addition, the flood swept away the entire first line of Russian fortifications and trenches. From a military point of view, they did much more damage to themselves than they wanted to do to the Ukrainian army,“ says Colonel Glen Grant, an expert of the Ukrainian Institute of National Security and Defense.

Nataliya Gumenyuk, head of the coordinating press center of the Defense Forces of the South, shares this opinion:

„They were so tired of waiting from which direction it would take place (counteroffensive – ed.) that any activity of the Defense Forces, including the strengthening of counterbattery work, led to the fact that their nerves simply could not stand it. They are trying to increase the area of the water surface so that the Ukrainian defense forces do not resort to forcing. They realize that now there are actually no safe places of deployment for them on the left bank.“

Some political analysts see the undermining of the dam as another attempt by the Kremlin to intimidate not so much Ukraine as the West, which supports it. After all, the fact that the Kakhovskaya HPP was being mined has been talked about for a long time, but the West saw in this, rather, Putin’s usual show of force and emotional blackmail, and did not believe that Russia was actually capable of blowing up the HPP. Likewise, since the beginning of the war, there have been discussions about whether Putin is capable of using nuclear weapons. And in this regard, the majority of Western leaders are again inclined to the fact that this is unlikely. However, today, after Russia once again proved to the whole world that there are no red lines for it, it becomes very, very risky to say that Putin is not capable of using nuclear weapons. The undermining of the dam, and the resulting humanitarian and ecological catastrophe of biblical proportions, should, in fact, finally debunk all the illusions of the West that Russia is somehow capable of waging war with honest methods and that it can be perceived as something other than a terrorist formation.


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